9 August 2008
summary selepas sebulan...
1) SIFE project- still under progress...been strees lately since da other person haven't response...huhu...do i haf to wait more?its been "100" days mam...
2)paperwork finance---hurm...nak komen penya?journal xjupe2 lagi...really tough for me...
3)account --- SP Setia..analyze their company in terms of their FS--Profit--so and so...
4)micro---hehe..so far tis one yg kira success-lah...tho da survey form have not been finalized..but at least there is sumthing kan?haha
5)ISLB---hehe...haf way to go!!!yes!!!!!
apart from that...cant wait to go home...+++++ OTH is coming back!!!already miss 'ma' mR lucas (ceh!pasan gler!)
i have to admit that day by day its been really hard for me...since im da particular a.k.a fussy so i always wanted things been done as i planned...tho sumtimes lots of unpredictable things happened...therefore, ive made up ma mind...heh..i tot or shud i say hope...
- i will be more concern wif ppl
- try to become more patience(correct me if im wrong)
- smile more coz most of da time i looked like an alien..haha...no la...kinda strict a.k.a serious person ( but only wen it comes to work)
- happier than before...huhu...so pathetic of me...
goshhhh!!!!!!!!!!how i wish i can ice skating at tis moment.......
cant wait to c ma "soulmate"..........
Pelangi petang : singgah hari semalam.
5 years ago